InCel: Ini Celengan Digital

by Valuna Dev



The savings note application is an application that can help users to manage finances more effectively and efficiently. In this application, users can record their savings and see details of income and expenditure of savings in detail. This feature can help users better understand where their money is being used and how their spending can be optimized to achieve their savings goals.In addition, this application is also equipped with a savings deletion feature that allows users to delete savings that are no longer needed. A reminder feature to save is also provided to help users remind themselves to continue saving and achieve their savings goals.Lastly, this application also has a feature to view a list of savings that have been achieved, so that users can track their progress and feel more motivated to continue saving. This feature is very useful for motivating users to manage their finances better and achieve their savings goals more quickly and effectively.Overall, this savings log app is a very useful tool for users to manage their finances better and achieve their savings goals more easily.